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Get Quote

Please use the Swap API at your own discretion.

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The Quote API enables you to tap into the Jupiter routing engine, which accesses the deep liquidity available within the DEXes of Solana's DeFi ecosystem. In this guide, we will walkthrough how you can get a quote for a specific token pair and other related parameters.

Let’s Get Started

In this guide, we will be using the Solana web3.js package.

If you have not set up your environment to use the necessary libraries and the connection to the Solana network, please head over to Environment Setup.

API Reference

To fully utilize the Quote API, check out the Quote API Reference.

Quote API

The root URL of the Quote API is as such.

The most common trading pair on Solana is SOL and USDC, to get a quote for this specific token pair, you need to pass in the required parameters such as:

inputMintThe pubkey or token mint address e.g. So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112
outputMintThe pubkey or token mint address e.g. EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v
amountThe number of input tokens before the decimal is applied, also known as the “raw amount” or “integer amount” in lamports for SOL or atomic units for all other tokens.
slippageBpsThe number of basis points you can tolerate to lose during time of execution. e.g. 1% = 100bps

Get Quote

Using the root URL and parameters to pass in, it is as simple as the example code below!

const quoteResponse = await (
await fetch(

console.log(JSON.stringify(quoteResponse, null, 2));

Example response:

"inputMint": "So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112",
"inAmount": "100000000",
"outputMint": "EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v",
"outAmount": "16198753",
"otherAmountThreshold": "16117760",
"swapMode": "ExactIn",
"slippageBps": 50,
"platformFee": null,
"priceImpactPct": "0",
"routePlan": [
"swapInfo": {
"ammKey": "5BKxfWMbmYBAEWvyPZS9esPducUba9GqyMjtLCfbaqyF",
"label": "Meteora DLMM",
"inputMint": "So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112",
"outputMint": "EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v",
"inAmount": "100000000",
"outAmount": "16198753",
"feeAmount": "24825",
"feeMint": "So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112"
"percent": 100
"contextSlot": 299283763,
"timeTaken": 0.015257836

outAmount refers to the best possible output amount based on the route at time of quote, this means that slippageBps does not affect.

What’s Next

Now, you are able to get a quote, next steps is to submit a transaction to execute the swap based on the quote given. Let’s go!

Additional Resources

Restrict Intermediate Tokens

restrictIntermediateTokens can be set to true . If your route is routed through random intermediate tokens, it will fail more frequently. With this, we make sure that your route is only routed through highly liquid intermediate tokens to give you the best price and more stable route.

Legacy Transactions

All Jupiter swaps are using Versioned Transactions and Address Lookup Tables. However, not all wallets support Versioned Transactions yet, so if you detect a wallet that does not support versioned transactions, you will need to set the asLegacyTransaction parameter to true.

Adding Fees

By using the Quote API in your app, you can add a fee to charge your users. You can refer to the platformFeeBps parameter and to add it to your quote and in conjuction, add feeAccount (it can be any valid token account) to your swap request.

Direct Routes and Max Accounts

These 2 parameters can be useful for those who are building your own programs or apps. onlyDirectRoutes essentially restricts the routing to only go through 1 market; whereas maxAccounts can provide you with flexibility to utilize other accounts in your transaction.

unfavorable trades

Please be aware that using these 2 parameters can often yield unfavorable trades or outcomes.